Well now here's a thing. Me doing a blog, or at least the start of one. I'm not really sure what I'm going to cover in this blog, or indeed the frequency of said but we can only try. Not sure what the motivation for this is. I doubt that anyone is actually that interested in what I have to say or what I get up to. I also doubt that anyone is really that interested in my darker side, and, before you throw your hands up in horror, everybody has one. Some choose to ignore it at their peril, others give way to it entirely and live either a full and balanced life or live through rounds of chaos. Not sure which I am at the moment. I'm hoping that mine will be balanced, but who knows. I guess time will tell. What is the dark side? Well it's nothing frought with demons and goblins, not as far as I've experienced anyway. It's the side of you that sits there and whispers in your mind one day, ''What if I.....''. I guess most of us can fill in the blank with something or other. My plan over the next 12 months is to indulge my darker side and hopefully learn something from it and those I encounter. You're probably now asking, ''Why the title?''. Well, I'll hopefully chronical the building of a narrowboat, the name of which has not been thought of as yet. I'm hoping that some of this info and the pictures may prove useful to anyone else going down the same path. Cars? I like off-road vehicles and the places they can take you if you have a sense of adventure. And they make pretty good vans too if you're building a boat. And ''Pains''? Well I think that's self explanatory. Having built a boat before and spent lots of time stuck in the mud I think I can document these. I hope to add some pictures in the next few days and hope also that some of my efforts prove to be useful to someone.